Herring under a Fur Coat Ingredients
- 10.5 oz ready herring filet or 1-2 salty herring
- 2 potatoes (10.5 oz)
- 2 carrots (10.5 oz)
- 2 beets (10.5 oz)
- 1 apple
- 1 onion
- homemade mayonnaise
How to Cook Herring under a Fur Coat
- Cut the filet into small pieces. If you have the whole herring, then you need to remove bones and mince the filet.
- Finely crush the onion. If the onion is bitter, cover with boiling water for 5 minutes.
- Boil the beet, carrot, and potato until ready, and then grate on a small grate.
- Clean and grate the apple.
- Put potatoes on the bottom of the dish, even it out and spread with mayonnaise.
- Then place the herring and spread with mayonnaise.
- Place the onion on the herring.
- Place carrots on the onion and spread with mayonnaise.
- Place the apple on the carrot and spread with mayonnaise.
- Place the beet on top and even out. Decorate with mayonnaise.