Barclay James Harvest

Din seria “nu se mai face, frate, muzica din asta azi” va prezint o trupa aproape necunoscuta pentru foarte multi iubitori de muzica. Nu sunt atat de cunoscuti ca si Yes, Genesis (faza inainte de plecarea lui Peter Gabriel, in 1975) sau Pink Floyd, dar tot Progressive se spune ca ar fi cantat: Barclay James Harvest.

Incerc sa va deschid apetitul pentru ei prin 4 piese pe care personal le ador.

Prima pe care am apucat sa o ascult se intituleaza Hymn. Cu toate ca majoritatea puteam sa juram ca este vorba despre Craciun, de fapt totul se invarte in jurul drogurilor. Singurul lucru care ne confirma aceasta supozitie il reprezinta versurile:

You stand up there with your head in the clouds
Don’t try to fly you know you might not come down

Daca tot ajungem aici, cred ca un “copy paste” de versuri este o idee buna, mai ales ca Barclay James Harvest nu au piese cu un text prea dezvoltat (ca si dimensiune, calitatea este superba), mergand ca orice band prog-rock mai mult pe “artificiile” sonore.

Valley’s deep and the mountain’s so high
If you want to see God you’ve got to move on the other side
You stand up there with your head in the clouds
Don’t try to fly you know you might not come down
Don’t try to fly near God, you might not come down
Jesus came down from Heaven to earth
The people said it was a virgin birth
Jesus came down from Heaven to earth
The people said it was a virgin birth

He told great stories of the Lord
And said he was the saviour of us all
He told great stories of the Lord
And said he was the saviour of us all

For this they/we killed him, nailed him up high
He rose again as if to ask us why
Then he ascended into the sky
As if to say in God alone you soar
As if to say in God alone we fly.

Valley’s deep and the mountain’s so high
If you want to see God you’ve got to move on the other side
You stand up there with your head in the clouds
Don’t try to fly you know you might not come down
Don’t try to fly near God, you might not come down

Am reusit sa gasesc pe Youtube o varianta concert foarte apropiata de varianta de studio, va invit deci sa ascultati piesa, apoi trecem la a 2-a din recomandarea acestei saptamani.

A doua mea intalnire cu Barclay James Harvest s-a facut printr-o alta piesa a lor foarte celebra: Mockingbird. Iata versurile, dupa care trantim si link-ul catre un video.

Rain, sea, surf, sand, clouds and sky
Hush, now darlin’ don’t you cry
There’s a mocking bird
Singing songs in the trees
There’s a mocking bird
Singing songs
Just for you and me.
Rain, sea, surf, sand clouds and sky
time will see your tears run dry
There’s a mocking bird … (2x)
Rain, sea, surf, sand clouds and sun
Bless the tears of love now gone
There’s a mocking bird

Acesta este un videoclip, din nou o inregistrare dintr-un concert. Nu este perfect asemanatoare cu varianta de studio, dar va permite sa simtiti cat de frumoasa este piesa.

A treia piesa pe care va invit sa o ascultati (sau reascultati) este Child of the Universe. Videoclip-ul de pe Youtube are niste fotografii socante, dar pana la urma sunt foarte potrivite cu piesa in sine. Vizionati si acest videoclip, sper sa va placa.

Exact cand credeam acum cativa ani ca nu prea mai am ce sa aud deosebit de la ei, pe albumul Octoberon (parca) am dat de Suicide? .. O piesa absolut magnifica. Din nou un text lapidar, pentru ca nu pe lyrics mergeau BJH, dar m-a socat “ipostaza autorului”. Piesa “descrie” la persoana intai o dimineata aproape “normala” a unui barbat care se sinucide. Oare chiar se sinucide? Nu? Poate ne ajuta textul:

I woke up to a feeling, it was cold by my side
You had gone with the sunrise, leaving tears in my eyes
I got up with a feeling of an emptiness inside
To the noise of the sidewalk and the silence of my mind
Well I walked out this morning, down a street with no name
To a club called “The Loser”, like a dog that’s gone lame
Took the club elevator to the floor with a view
I took out life subscription – it’s the only one they do

I stepped out on the guard rail, saw the crowds slowly part
Heard a voice shouting “Don’t jump, please for God’s sake let me move my car!”
Felt a hand on my shoulder, heard a voice cry “Just in time!”
Felt the quick push, felt the air rush
Felt the sidewalk, fell in line

Ceea ce m-a socat in toata aceasta “poveste” este reactia celui care il vede pe “sinucigas” pregatit sa sara si ii spune “Nu sari, te rog pentru numele lui Dumnezeu, lasa-ma sa imi mut masina”. Video-ul de pe Youtube se aude ingrozitor, incercati eventual sa faceti rost de piesa de studio intr-o inregistrare “curata”. Este magnifica.

Asta a fost recomandarea pe saptamana asta … imi amintesc si eu piese pe care le-am iubit odata atat de mult si pe care imi face atata placere sa le reaud. Sper sincer ca v-au uns si pe voi la suflet 😉

Ramona Jar
Ramona Jar

Online marketing and SEO consultant with 20+ years of experience online. I help companies build lead-generating websites and improve their marketing results.

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